Space is one of the most mysterious places in this world. And that mystery and uncertainty makes space sort of scary. There are many scary facts about space that keep this point true, such as stars that suck the life from their neighbors to black holes that consume everything. Some of the strangest things in space make up your nightmares.

Top 7 Scary Facts About Space That'll Freak You Out
Powerful explosions bring stars back from the dead
Type Ia supernovas are often referred to as zombie stars because these white dwarfs have the ability to come back to life. White dwarfs are essentially dead until they create an enormous supernova that sucks material from their neighbors to bring them back to life. As they come back to life, their innards are scattered across the universe.

Some stars suck the life out of others
Compared to vampires, these stars are known as blue stragglers. They remain young, allowing themselves to burn hotter and appear bluer than their neighbors by sucking the hydrogen fuel away from their more ancient neighbors.
Space debris can wipe out an entire civilization
There are rocks in space that are able to create large sized disasters. One rock at 0.6 miles wide can strike our planet and destroy everything in its path. Even, smaller rocks of 130 feet across can cause severe damage to the planet. It is thought that one larger rock (6 miles wide) is what wiped out the dinosaurs. One good thing the people of Earth now have going for them is that scientists are able to watch the skies for these dangerous rocks and deflect them before they endanger lives.
The deep, dark unknown does
This is just another of the scary facts about space. Space is considered to be a place of extreme blackness. There are not the comforting lights that are lit daily here on Earth; if you are afraid of the dark, then space is not the place for you. There are many dangerous phenomena lurking in the empty, vast darkness of space. Even with all the stars, there is still a vast open darkness.

Black holes hurl themselves across the cosmos at nine-hundred million miles an hour
This is definitely a scary fact. Most people think of black holes as holes in space that suck everything in and let nothing out. The good news is that is not always true. Black holes are categorized by their size: supermassive, large, small, and micro. The micro holes are currently only a theory, but the medium sized black holes are formed when stars collapse and consume each other. Their reach is not very far, so they do not consume everything. Then, there are fast moving black holes which move at rapid rates of millions of miles per hour. These will consume everything in their path, but they have to be close enough to reach it; the worst happens when they collide with another object and change direction.

Supermassive stars jettison plasma when they die and collapse into a black hole
When a supermassive star reaches the end of its life, it collapses into a black hole. This causes a great amount of energy to be released in the form of plasma jettisoning from the center of the star. This only occurs with the largest stars in the universe; since there are not any of these hypergiants in the Milky Way Galaxy, we are safe for now.
There are planets that do not play by the rules
Another of the scary facts about space that you should know is that rogue planets are planets that do not follow any given orbit. They may have been in an orbit at one time, but now they refuse to play by the rules. They were most likely knocked out of their orbit by another body, and now they are set on doing the same. They will roam through space until their course is altered or stopped by another cosmic body. That isn’t the scariest part. These rogue planets outnumber the stars and are presumed to be about the size of Jupiter. That is a lot of untamed planets roaming around in space just waiting to knock someone else out of their orbit.

Space is slowly being pushed apart
One of the strangest facts about space is that no one truly knows the cause of the universe's expansion; however, there are many theories. Quantum physics proves that there are subatomic particles constantly being created and destroyed throughout space. The extra energy is traveling through all of space, producing energy known as vacuum energy that pushes space, itself, apart.
Particles are constantly flowing through you
IceCube, a neutrino-detecting project is on the move detecting mass-less elementary particles known as neutrinos by embedding special detectors within large chunks of ice, beneath the sea, and underground. These particles are electrically neutral and exist everywhere in the universe; many are traveling through you at this very moment. They can pass through lead without any controversy. The neutrinos, commonly referred to as phantom particles, are created in the fiery depths of healthy starts and supernova explosions caused by dying stars.
Searching for Earth
The search for other planets similar to Earth has led to more than 500 planets outside of our solar system being discovered since the early 1990s. Astronomers have discovered planets ranging in size and composition from gas giants to small rocky planets to that orbit red dwarfs.
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