
Showing posts from November, 2017
9 INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE SAHARA DESERT irst of all, just where is the Sahara Desert? Take a peek at northern Africa on a map, and most of what you in fact see is the Sahara. From the Atlantic, north to the Mediterranean, and east to the Red Sea, most of Africa’s northern reaches have been swallowed up by the ever-expanding Sahara. Interestingly, “Sahara,” in Arabic, means desert. Therefore, any reference to the “Sahara Desert” is a bit redundant. Some of the acts about this massive and arid expanse can be interesting, or downright confounding! 1. It’s not even the biggest desert Despite what you may have learned in school, the Sahara desert is not actually the world’s largest desert. The largest desert in the world is…NOT the Sahara! It’s Antarctica! Still, the Sahara is pretty darn big, and getting bigger everyday. Just in the time since John Glenn first orbited the earth, it has expanded by another 250,000 sq mi to now cover over 3.6 million square miles. The S
12 Wild Facts About Hyenas Hyenas are more than the carrion-eating villains of  The Lion King . Though you may not ever fall in love with these cunning animals, it’s hard not to respect them. 1. A HYENA’S LAUGH INDICATES SOCIAL STATUS. Hyenas don’t just laugh for fun. Scientists say that the pitch and the note frequency (or tone) of a hyena’s laugh can give an indication of its  age and social status. 2. HYENAS ARE SMARTER THAN CHIMPS. The size of an animal's frontal cortex is believed to be connected to its social intelligence, and hyenas have a frontal cortex on par with primates. A study done by Duke University showed that a captive pair of hyenas performed better at problem-solving and social cooperation than chimpanzees. Even more amazing is that during the study, the hyenas solved all the problems in silence, using  only non-verbal signals for communication. 3. THEY KILL BABY LIONS. Hyenas and lions often fight over the same territories and hunt the same p
It's that time of year again when everyone ventures out to find something scary and shed light on those things that go bump in the night. While you are out seeking things that will scare you out of your mind, let's talk about the most important information about what spirits can or cannot do. You might be surprised that some of the scariest things that can happen don't just wait for Halloween.  1. Spirits have the ability to effect you mentally, physically, and emotionally No one ghost is the same as another. Each spirit has the ability to do various task depending on the level of strength they have accumulated. Though not common, a spirit does have the ability to physically attack you. A ghost might also have the ability to effect you emotionally with things such as unexplained extreme mood swings. An extremely advanced spirit can even manipulate you mentally and challenge the reality that surrounds you. 2. A ghost does have the ability to manipulate o